Rachel's Road to Atlanta! Day 3

Today we played 10 games with Jafar V2.1 vs Pawpsicle! The games all went in Jafar’s favour when we talked them out, and Pawpsicle seem to have a lot of uninkable cards. Like, A LOT. Josh said he was being really cautious with his mulligans in case he bricked because of a hand full of things he can’t play! Close to a third of the deck is uninkable. It makes me happy I don’t have the problem!

Tonight we are going to play in a local tournament!



Well, lets start with how it did. Josh played Pawpsicl and I played Jafar, and since Lorcana is changing to a Bo2 tournament for Day 1, that’s how we tracked things.

In one day, we played 5 matches, that is 10 games.

Match 1: I won both games with Jafar, A Whole New World, and Big Cindy being the MVPs!

Match 2: I won both again, and learned the castle did a lot of work here.

Match 3: I won both matches, but a miss-play when I played Cinderella as opposed to Jafar would have cost me the game.

Match 4: I won the first one where I went second, and lost the second game.

Match 5: I lost the first one and won the second. I did not quest with my Blue Fairy the first turn she was able to, and in the end I was 1 lore shy from winning!

So, out of 5 matches, I would have scored a total of 11 points out of a possible 15. Not too bad!

We are streaming these testing games on Twitch when we do them, and I’m sure they will go on YouTube if you are interested in checking them out! They are less tournament style, and more lets go through all the thought process and possibilities and figure out how to play the decks the best. I’m finding it very helpful talking through everything, and if you’re interested in learning how to be a better deck pilot there might be some helpful tips in these videos for you too!

Anyways, that’s it for now!