Rachel's Road to Atlanta! Day 1
So, exciting news! I got one of the first tickets to go play in the very first Lorcana Challenge! I’m very excited about it, and now have to prep! Josh is helping me practice, and I think I have chosen a deck to play!
We found a Jafar list a couple weeks back that we tweaked a bit. I had wanted to give a combo deck a shot, and though I liked it, it was not consistent enough in the ‘Oops, I Win’ strategy that I thought Jafar was about. Don’t get me wrong, when it worked it worked super well, but that was not as often as I wanted.
Josh had suggested that Singers was not the deck to take to Atlanta. He thinks the best chance at making day two comes from a deck that can win, win hard, and win fast. Since Amethyst/Ruby Bounce is most of the meta still, it should be consistent against that deck in it’s multiple iterations., and Jafar has that potential.
We pulled apart the deck, laid it out, and then looked at all the options out there. There were 12 cards we thought we could cut right away, and another 20-25 we were debating putting in. All we have to do now is test it out!
By now, Josh has played about 15 games or so with this build, and I have played about 6 and we see some more changes that have to happen. But for now, this is Jafar, Version 2!
So, first off, Cinderella Stouthearted is awesome feeling. At first, I thought she would be used more to fight and banish some of the more pesky characters Josh played, but I actually used her for questing more. The Resist +2 on her and the fact that she already has a 5 willpower makes her very tough, and not even a Maui can take her out with the help of a Merlin Crab or Maui’s Fishhook. Knowing that Josh would want her off the table also made her more tempting to quest with, because I’d gain 3 lore off of her and then he would have to use resources to get rid of her on her turn, so it was like a free 3 lore!
Secondly, Jafar is not the be all and end all I thought he would be. Once I got past that, the deck became so much more consistent. Don’t get me wrong, gaining 14 lore off of one Jafar and two A Whole New Worlds is AMAZING, but the deck can win, and it can win consistently without Jafar and A Whole New World. It is feeling less like a combo deck, and more like a deck with a combo in it.
Also, MVP goes to Blue Fairy, she is amazing!
We are streaming these testing games on Twitch when we do them, and I’m sure they will go on YouTube if you are interested in checking them out! They are less tournament style, and more lets go through all the thought process and possibilities and figure out how to play the decks the best. I’m finding it very helpful talking through everything, and if you’re interested in learning how to be a better deck pilot there might be some helpful tips in these videos for you too!
Anyways, that’s it for now! Jafar, v2.1 is next!