Lorcana League Bingos!
Hello everyone!
Into the Inklands came out this last Friday and it introduced a whole new card type - Locations! As the new shiny toy in Lorcana, I am going to try to make Locations one of the center points of the Bingo Achievements for March!
But don’t worry, there will be plenty of other Bingo possibilities out there too!
The Deck Box’s Weekly Lorcana League
Interested in joining our weekly league but not sure what I am talking about when I say Bingo Achievement? Well let me fill you in. Every Sunday at 1pm, we have our fun and casual weekly Lorcana League. It’s $5 to play, and everyone gets $5 in store credit just for showing up! We also have promos to give out, and that’s where the Bingos come in!
Everyone who comes to play is added to our league roster., and everyone gets a Bingo Card. Each Bingo Card is good for a four week cycle before we switch them up and change the acheivements. Each Bingo card has the same achievements on it, but all in random places. Your goal is to get as many Bingo Achievements as you can by the end of the four weeks. That means you have the same Bingo card for all four weeks, and each week you can change your deck to try to get specific achievements. Each week you can get a maximum of 10 points, and anyone who gets 10 points gets a chance at winning the weekly promos!
Here is how you get points:
1 point for showing up!
1 point for every square you cross off on your Bingo Card
2 points for every line you cross off on your Bingo Card
At the end of the four week cycle, we give out even more promos! On the last week of the Bingo Cards, everyone gets a promo card, and we have other cool things like pins, lore trackers, and this month we have sleeves! Then, we do it all over again the nest week with a new Bingo Card!
Bingo Achievements for March
Looking for the list of Bingo Achievements early? Here you go! I also included images of the promos you can win here too!
See everyone Sunday!
Have 3 different locations in play at once (no duplicates!)
Have a character at a location from the same franchise
Play 6 locations in one match (best of three games)
Have 3 characters at a location at once
Attack and Banish a Location
Banish a location without attacking it
Have 3 items in play at once
Banish one of your opponent’s items
Have an item, and a location or character in play from the same franchise
Have you or your opponent loose 3 lore in one game
Heal an opponent’s character
Return one of your opponent’s characters to their hand
Return 3 of your characters to your hand in one game
Have three copies of the same character in play at once
Have three different variations of the same character in play at once
Have a hero and two side kicks in play at once from the same franchise
Have a character sing a song from the franchise they are in
Make your opponent laugh, or roll their eyes, with a Disney themed joke or pun
Mulligan 7 cards
Gain 7 lore in one turn
Have a villain and one of their henchmen in play at once
Shift a character and use them that turn
Play 3 actions in one turn
Draw 5 cards in one turn