Cinderella Singer
After playing the deck a good 40 times (all against Josh!) I can say its amazing! It’s powerful, consistent, and relatively interactive with it’s songs. Cinderella - Stouthearted is great for fighting everything, especially if you’re playing songs! I have played her with just three ink in play thanks to Zero to Hero and have sang Grab Your Swords on turn 2 thanks to The Queen - Commanding Presence.
Deck List
4x Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation
4x Stitch - New Dog
4x The Queen - Regal Monarch
1x Cinderella - Knight in Training
3x Simba - Protective Cub
4x Ariel - Spectacular Singer
3x Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4x The Queen - Commanding Presence
4x Stitch - Rock Star
4x Tinkerbell - Giant Fairy
3x Cinderella - Stouthearted
3x Stitch - Carefree Surfer
3x Zero to Hero
4x Let the Storm Rage On
2x Strength of a Raging Fire
2x World’s Greatest Criminal Mind
4x A Whole New World
4x Grab Your Sword
How it Played
Opponent: Amethyst/Ruby Bounce
Win/Loss Record: 5 wins, 5 losses
Thoughts: The deck felt good, but there were a number of times where I had a Zero to Hero when I wish I had A Whole New World. There were times I wish I could get some characters back from the Discard Pile, and other times I wish I had a couple more aggressive plays.
Cards I’m Debating Adding for this Match: Hades - Lord of the Underworld, Lilo - Wishing on a Star, an extra Whole New World, Snow White - Well Wisher
Opponent: Amber/Emerald Discard
Win/Loss Record: 10 wins
Thoughts: The deck felt good, no real issues I saw against this deck. I even misplayed a bunch in one game and won. I don’t think I need to add anything for this match
Cards I’m Debating Adding for this Match: I don’t need to add cards for this match, but if I am looking at changing chards around, I for sure need to keep Ariel - Spectacular Singer, Grab Your Sword, and the other damage dealing spells. Cinderella - Stouthearted takes practically no damage in this match.
Opponent: Ruby/Sapphire Pawsicle Control
Win/Loss Record: 5 wins, 5 losses
Thoughts: Pawpsicle needs a sculpted opening hand, so playing A Whole New World as early as possible to get rid of their sculpted hand proved to be important. Also, winning by mill seems to be a legitimate option
Cards I’m Debating Adding for this Match: Four A Whole New Worlds are important here, so is anyone who can sing it early like Ariel - Spectacular Singer and The Queen - Commanding Prescience. Stitch - Rock Star was also a star for card draw, but remember since mill is totally possible in this game, don’t over use it! Keep counting cards in both decks! I’m debating more Cinderella - Knight in Training, and I do think I want four Cinderella - Stouthearted. Since this match has been the hardest so far, I now longer think Lilos are needed, but am still debating cards that can return characters from the discard pile.
Opponent: Amber/Amethyst Agro
Win/Loss Record: 6 wins, 4 losses
Thoughts: I thought this match was going to be more in my favour than it was. What is crucial in this match is Ariel - Spectacular Singer, Grab Your Swords, Let The Storm Rage On, and The Queen - Commanding Presence. Going first is key, and having a good hand is key. Keeping, or muliganing down, to try to find at least 3 of the above cards seems to make the difference, and playing A Whole New World only when absolutely necessary so not to reset the Agro Deck’s hand.
Cards I’m Debating Adding for this Match: I think the deck is good as it is, however, I can see adding Cinderella - Knight in Training maybe for another low cost character that digs a card deeper for the songs the deck needs, and I think I want to go up to 4 Cinderella - Stouthearted.
Opponent: Amber/Steel Songs (Mirror Match)
I’ll play this one later once I make the adjustments I want to make, and decide if those adjustments are staying in the final list!
Final Thoughts
After 40 games, I’m thinking the adjustments to make are against Pawpsicle (and maybe bounce). I feel good about how this list faces off against the discard decks, and mirror matches are tough in any game, as they typically come down to who drew best (and in this case, that seems to be the same with the Agro deck). I’ll make some adjustments and play some more games against all the decks (but paying close attention to the ones I struggled against with the list here) and see if the adjustments made that big of a difference to stay in the final list!
Have you played Singers? Or have your played against Singers? Share your thoughts on the deck, or maybe post which deck we should text and feature in the future!